

Sustainability in energy, nutrients production and modern industry is mankind’s greatest challenge as we continue to deplete limited resources, warm our planet and eradicate precious natural species from our earth at astonishing rates.

When hydrogen storage infrastructure is incorporated, renewables, primarily solar and wind energy may provide the path forward for true cyclic economies. The replacement of fossil fuel extraction with subterranean sustainable green hydrogen storage can be accomplished at scale and offer true decentralization of political and corporate power. 

Subterranean on-demand hydrogen projects which we term “NODES” will be financed on the basis of positive cash flows, above market returns versus the 10-year US treasuries and safe, long lived infrastructure assets with operating life of 100 + years.

The attached whitepaper provides the framework for establishing a global “NODE” network for collection, storage and distribution of green hydrogen.

Whitepaper to be released in 3Q2023.

Whitepaper to be released in 3Q2023.